Booking and Availability

Booking your holiday at one of the Instow Beach Cottage Apartments is quick and easy with our online availability calendar, which can be found below. Just select your desired apartment and arrival day followed by the number of nights you wish to stay, a price will be quoted. If you are happy with the dates and price, please click on the highlighted ‘Book Now’ button to be directed to our online booking form. If you would prefer to discuss the apartments or a booking with a member of the My Favourite Cottages team then please send them an email or call 01271 377 432.

To secure a booking at one of the self-catering apartments, we require a 30% deposit with the outstanding balance due eight weeks prior to arrival. Forms of payment accepted include, debit/credit card, bank transfer, PayPal and cheque. Please note a 3% booking fee is also applied at the time of booking.

Bookings at Instow Beach Cottage are accepted all year round with short breaks available outside of the school holidays. The normal changeover day at the apartments is a Friday, however, on occasion, other days such as a Monday arrival can be accommodated. If you have any questions regarding dates, please contact a member of the My Favourite Cottages team who will be able to assist you, they can be contacted via email or on 01271 377 432.